Tunisian Republic – Ministry of Trade and Export Development

29 March 2025
202, Avenue Farhat Hached 6000 Gabès - Tunisie


The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Southeast (CCISE) was created on December 11, 1994, by Law No. 92-112 of November 23, 1992, amending and completing Law No. 88-43 of May 19, 1988, establishing chambers of commerce and industry and defining their territorial boundaries.

Legal Status:
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Southeast (CCISE) is a public institution of economic interest, endowed with legal personality and financial autonomy, and placed under the supervision of the ministry responsible for commerce.

Constituency : 
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Southeast contributes to the promotion of the industrial, commercial, craft, and small trades sectors in the constituency of Southeast Tunisia, encompassing the governorates of Gabès, Médenine, Tataouine, and Kébili.

Vision :

The CCISE is an excellent space for supporting businesses and for improving the business climate in the Southeast of Tunisia.

Mission :

Participation in the development of businesses through support and the provision of services in accordance with international standards to enhance the business climate in the Southeastern region of Tunisia.

Strategic objectives :

1. Enhancement of entrepreneurial culture and good governance for the strengthening of trade partnerships and promotion of exports.
2. Supporting investment through the provision of fast, customized, and value-added services as needed.